Domum Populi team has diverse & comprehensive backgrounds complimented from both non-profit and private sector fields
Their expertise collectively has birthed a solid team compassionate about the need for housing amidst the rise in crisis throughout the world that has left thousands of families homeless. They designed their housing models with the premise of meeting the individuals basic needs in addition to creating awareness regarding the need for a “home” instead of merely a shelter after a forced resettlement.
is at the forefront of the world’s consciousness. What does one do when their home and belongings have been destroyed?
All over the world whether it is due to fire, floods, hurricanes, or any other natural or man-made disaster, there is a need for disaster relief shelters.
In the calm after the storm, victims are left to pick up the pieces. Temporary shelters are a key part of the recovery process to begin to rebuild lives when a disaster has left families homeless with just the clothes on their backs.